Modern Responsive Footer Design Flexbox Using HTML and CSS (Free Source Code)

 A footer is an important part of any website, as it contains the navigation options and some key links to essential sections of a website with branding information.

Source Code: Modern Responsive Footer Design Flexbox

In this article, I am going to give you free source code of a Modern Responsive Footer Design Flexbox Using HTML and CSS.

All the code practices good programming principles and is also entirely mobile friendly so that users can enjoy the same user experience regardless of the device they are using.

GitHub Source: Modern Responsive Footer Design Flexbox

What does the website footer mean?

A website footer is a horizontal bar that can be found at the bottom of a website, and includes information such as links, contact details, social networking buttons, copyright information and any additional logo.

It assists a user to quickly find through necessary web pages and offers direct access to a company or support information.

Types of Footers

  1. Simple Footer: It holds simple details like; Copyright text and few links at the least.
  2. Informational Footer: It has submenus namely; about, services, contact, and social media buttons.
  3. Interactive Footer: It includes functionality such as newsletter subscription, chat, or dynamic blocks.

How do I make a fully responsive footer in HTML and CSS?

Having a fully responsive footer in html and css would require using flexbox or a grid layout of the footer that can change when the size of the view port is changed.

Media queries should be used to make the styles for the mobile version, tablet, and desktop. Proper padding, margins, and font sizes used will make the page neat thus making it easy for users to go through.


  • Fully Responsive: The design of the footer is also responsive and looks great on all devices; mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Clean and Modern Design: The structure and layout helps in giving a more professional appearance with a good structure of the content body.
  • Flexbox-Based Layout: Code is quite collaborative with CSS to adjust and align the content using Flexbox.
  • Easy Integration: This code is easily usable and you can simply copy and paste it in your project.

Technologies Used

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

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